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What is functional testing?


Is a type of testing that seeks to base whether each application feature works in line with the software requirements. Functional testing's purpose is to test all the software application's functions by giving appropriate input, verifying the output against the functional necessities. The testing can be done both manually or using automation, it mainly involves black box testing and it is not bothered by the source code of the application. Functional testing checks functionality of the Application Under Test, such as Security, APIs, User Interface, Server/Client communication, Database and more.

Why do we do functional testing?

Functional testing confirms that system should work as expected when features activated straight by a user or by some other system. Functional Testing checks every aspect of a piece of software to make sure that it works correctly.

What do we test in functional testing?

The main purpose of Functional testing is reviewing the functionalities of the software system. It focuses the most on –

  • Error Conditions – It checks if appropriate error messages are displayed by the usage of testing techniques that check for error conditions.

  • Mainline Functions – Checking the prime function of an application.

  • Basic Usability – It provides basic usability testing of the system. It makes sure there are no difficulties so a user navigates freely through the screens.

  • Accessibility: Checks the accessibility of the system for the user

What are the types of functional testing?

  1. Unit testing: Unit testing confirms the function of a unit, assuring that the inputs (one or more) result in the lone wanted output.

  2. Component Testing: Also called module testing, checks individual parts of an application. The difference between unit testing and component testing is that the previous one is done by developers in a white box format, while the this one is done by testers in a black box format.

  3. Smoke testing: A type of acceptance testing, supplies an initial check that a new software build and its critical functionality are steady.

  4. Sanitytesting: A type of regression testing, QA professionals perpetrate sanity testing on new versions of steady builds to confirm either new functionality or bug fixes.

  5. Regression testing: A type of test that helps protect a stable product while changes are made to it.

  6. Integration testing: Through this type of testing, QA professionals verify that individual modules of code work together appropriately as a group.

  7. API testing: With API testing, testers verify that API connections and responses function as planned.

  8. UI testing: With this type of testing, QA professionals collaborate with the graphical interface of a software program.

  9. System testing: With this type of testing, QA professionals review the software as a complete product.

  10. White box testing: In this testing approach, the organization tests several aspects of the software, such as loops and statements in the code, predefined inputs and expected outputs, as well as decision branches.

  11. Black box testing: With this type testing, the organization can review the software in the same way a customer would experience it.

  12. Acceptance testing: Acceptance testing involves testing the feature-complete application flow and end-to-end experience, instead of focusing on functionality of specific features.

  13. Alpha testing: Alpha testing gives an immediate group of testers to remove major bugs before the software is seen by external users.

  14. Beta testing: Beta testing enables you to collect feedback from unbiased users who may interact with the product differently than you planned.

  15. Production testing: With this type of testing, the organization can validate product functionality and balance.


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